
Programmable relational database
with graphical user interface Support This Project
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Downloads for Linux Linux

Please choose the binary package according to your Linux distribution. We provide .deb packages for Ubuntu Ubuntu as well as .rpm packages for Fedora Fedora.

The installation of BeeBase should be straight forward. If you encounter any problems then please refer to the installation directives of the BeeBase user manual.

V1.1     beebase_1.1_amd64.deb
V1.1     beebase_1.1_arm64.deb
V1.1     BeeBase-1.1-fc34.aarch64.rpm

If you don't find your system or architecture above, here is how you can compile and install BeeBase yourself.

For debian-based systems

sudo apt install debhelper devscripts flex bison g++ libsqlite3-dev make perl qtbase5-dev qttools5-dev-tools subversion texinfo texlive
mkdir -p $HOME/tmp
cd $HOME/tmp
svn checkout${VER} beebase
make -C beebase deb
sudo dpkg -i beebase_${VER}_*.deb

This installs the Qt version of BeeBase. If you rather would like the GTK interface then replace the line "make -C beebase deb" by the following:

sudo apt install byacc libgtk-3-dev libhpdf-dev
make -C beebase deb-gtk

For rpm-based systems

sudo yum install flex bison g++ make qt-devel qt5-qtbase-devel qt5-qttools rpmdevtools subversion sqlite-devel texinfo-tex texlive
mkdir -p $HOME/tmp
cd $HOME/tmp
svn checkout${VER} beebase
make -C beebase rpm
sudo rpm -U $HOME/rpmbuild/RPMS/*/BeeBase-${VER}-*.rpm

For the GTK version use the following instead of the "make -C beebase rpm" line:

sudo yum install byacc gtk3-devel libharu-devel
make -C beebase rpm-gtk